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[2014/06/23  浏览:]





    卫纯娟 Chunjuan Nancy Wei

    Professor, East Asian and Pacific

    Rim Studies 

    Chair, International Political Economy and Diplomacy 


    Claremont Graduate University 



    Chunjuan Nancy Wei received her Ph.D. in political science from Claremont 

    Graduate University in Southern California. She holds four other advanced 

    degrees in public administration, public policy, international relations, and 

    the English language from universities in the United States and China. 

    Professor Wei teaches courses in the M.A. East Asian and Pacific Rim Studies 

    (EAPRS) and the B.A. International Political Economy and Diplomacy (IPED) 

    programs. She is a recipient of the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Scholarly 

    Exchange Research Grant (2010), and a fellow of the UB Center of Learning and 

    Teaching Excellence (2011). She has published on U.S.-China relations, East 

    Asian political economy, and cross-Taiwan Strait politics in such journals as 

    theYale Journal of International Affairs,Journal of Global

    Development and Peace, and theSoutheast Review of Asian Studies.

    Her recent publications include book chapters inNew Dynamics in East Asian

    Politics: Security, Political Economy and Society(2012),Entrepreneurial

    and Business Elites of China: The Chinese Returnees who have Shaped Modern 

    China(2011), andAlliance Curse: How America Lost the Third World(2008). She also co-edited the bookMr. Science and Chairman Mao’s Cultural

    Revolution: Science and Technology in Modern China(2013), recently 

    published with acclamations from leading scholars andChoice Review. She

    was interviewed by the IrishMoncrieff Showin December 2012 on theMr.

    Sciencebook. She received the distinct honor of being selected as a participant 

    in theSummer Symposium on Strategic Studiessponsored by the Merrill

    Center for Strategic Studies of Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Wei was also 

    invited by Connecticut College to brief representatives of the Vietnamese 

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs on China's East Asian foreign policy. She has 

    served as English-Chinese interpreter and translator; and has studied Korean, 

    Russian and Japanese. 


    Wei is Faculty Adviser to the UB Chapter of Sigma Iota Rho, the National 

    International Studies Honor Society. She has participated in forums on 

    international development and global governance held at the United Nations in 

    New York and at the World Bank headquarters in Washington, DC. 




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